
Stuart Martyn
May 2022 - June 2023

For as long as any can remember, the maelstrom has been impassable, wracked by impossible, immobile storms. Yet it was not always so, and occasionally a brave or foolhardy sailor takes a vessel into the maelstrom. They bring back treasures and strange rumours of what lies beyond are whispered throughout the world. Cities of the living dead. Unspeakable creatures that live beneath the waves.

These tales mostly describe their neighbours, entire nations reduced to myth and fairy tales, but there are stranger things in the eye of the storm...

The unnatural storms receded a few weeks ago. Cautiously, the powers that neighbour this tempestuous sea sent ships to explore. They came back. It seems the forbidden, impassable ocean is open – at least for now – but what waits out there in the dark? What caused the impossible storms, and why have they stopped now?

A game of exploration, adventure, politics and horror (test).